St. Augustine Matric. Higher Secondary School was started in Onnalvadi village, Hosur Taluk, Tamil Nadu by the Augustinian Missionary Sisters on 19th June 1996 with the motto “Searching for the Truth”. We are involved in the mission of imparting education, moral and spiritual values and discipline to help build leaders who will bring about a culture of peace and love which our society and country needs today with the vision and charisma of the management and with committed teachers and with the purpose of fulfilling the following goals and objective.
An integral education and growth of students through the development of their physical, psychological, social, cultural, moral and transcendent potentialities and capabilities.
Promoting personal attitudes of friendship and discipline that acquaint the student with creative options towards science and life.
Educating the students progressively guided by the best values of our social, cultural and scientific in dialogue with the various forms of life, caste, creed, customs and traditions of our society.
Developing in the students a responsible any dynamic spirit to face the new and rapid life situations.
Awakening in the student’s attitudes of mutual respect, self esteem, friendship, justice, freedom and truth.

"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.”
In the beginning of the academic year, all the students are divided into four different HOUSES:
St. Augustine Group (Red)
St. Monica Group (Blue)
St. Nicholas Group (Green)
St. Rita Group (Yellow).
Inter house literary, cultural and sports competitions, annual day, pongal, are conducted. Every Saturday morning thematic assemblies are held and competitions are conducted to develop healthy competition among the students.
The House System is incorporated to encourage students to compete in various extra curricular activities. This system induces their enthusiasm, competitive spirit and gives them a chance to find out their talents and where they excel. They develop confidence, learn to overcome their shyness, fear of being ridiculed and above all learn to accept both success and failure with equanimity which is very much essential in life. They imbibe soft skills which will be of great use to them in their career.
The students sport T- shirts are of these colours. Each house has a captain and a vice captain who handle different portfolios like cultural, sports etc.
Day to day activities, competitions are conducted in systematic and disciplined manners.